
The lume-chart component is the base component of all charts of this data visualization library. It implements all generic chart features.

It is used internally to build all Lume charts but it can also be used to create new, customized charts, by using <slot>s.



import { LumeChart } from '@adyen/lume';


Lume chart serves as a base to chart building because it provides <slot>s for the different chart elements.

The available slots are:

  • controls - for chart controls on the top-right of the header
  • legend - for the chart legend on the top-right of the header, below controls
  • axes - for chart axes
  • groups - for data groups
  • tooltip - for the tooltip element (replaces default tooltip)
  • tooltip-content - for the tooltip content

These slots allow for full customization of how the data is being shown.

All slots except groups have fallback content to default to. The groups slot must have at least 1 element to display data.

Basic use

The simplest use for lume-chart is by providing data and labels props and a data group inside groups slot.

    <template #groups="props">
      <lume-line-group v-bind="props" />

  import { ref } from 'vue';

  const data = ref([
      label: 'My dataset',
      color: 'darkteal',
      values: [10, 30, 20, 50, 40],

  const labels = ref(['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May']);



Name Type Default Description
data Data Required The data to plot.
labels Array<string \| number> undefined The group of labels to plot the data to.
xScale ScaleGenerator \| ScaleBand<string \| number> undefined A d3 scale or a scale generator function to override the default X scale.
yScale ScaleGenerator \| ScaleLinear<number, number> undefined A d3 scale or a scale generator function to override the default Y scale.
options Options undefined A set of chart options.
orientation 'vertical' \| 'horizontal' 'vertical' The chart's orientation.
title String undefined The chart title.

Chart options

Interface: ChartOptions

Name Type Description
margins Margins \| "auto" Space around the chart. If provided with "auto", calculates margins according to the axis labels' size.
xAxisOptions AxisOptions Set of options for the X axis.
yAxisOptions AxisOptions Set of options for the Y axis.
tooltipOptions TooltipOptions Set of options for the tooltip component.
colorPalette ColorPalette Which color sequence to use for rendering the datasets.
startOnZero boolean Controls if the Y scale should start on 0. Always true for Bar charts.
withAxes boolean Displays chart axes.
withTooltip boolean Displays the chart tooltip.
withLegend boolean Displays the chart legend in the header.
legendPosition 'top' \| 'bottom' Where to display the chart legend.
withTransition boolean Toggles the chart transition animations.
noBaseScales boolean Controls if LumeChart should generate general-purpose scales or not.
noMinSize boolean If true, the chart container will not have minimum width/height.
transparentBackground boolean If true, the <svg> container will not have a solid background.
classList string \| Array<string> A class or array of classes to apply to the chart group elements, such as bars, lines, etc.


Interface: Margins

Name Type Description
top number \| "auto" Top margin size.
right number \| "auto" Right margin size.
bottom number \| "auto" Bottom margin size.
left number \| "auto" Left margin size.

Note: If any of the values above is "auto", it will be calculated according to the axis labels' size.

Slot props


No props.


Name Type Description
data Data The data to plot.


Name Type Description
xScale Scale The base X scale.
yScale Scale The base Y scale.
containerSize { width: number, height: number } The chart container size.
options Options A set of chart options.
hoveredIndex number Index of the data point being hovered.


Name Type Description
data Data The data to plot.
labels Array<string \| number> The group of labels to plot the data to.
options Options A set of chart options.
orientation 'vertical' \| 'horizontal' The chart's orientation.
xScale Scale The base X scale.
yScale Scale The base Y scale.
hoveredIndex number Index of the data point being hovered.
classList string \| Array<string> A class or array of classes to apply to the chart group elements, such as bars, lines, etc.


Name Type Description
opened boolean If the tooltip is displayed.
targetElement Element The element that the tooltip will latch on to.
data Data The chart data.
labels Array<string \| number> The chart labels.
title string The tooltip title.
items Array<TooltipItem> List of items to render in the tooltip.
position string The tooltip placement relative to the data point. Full list of options here
withTooltip boolean Displays the chart tooltip.
hoveredIndex number Index of the data point being hovered.
options TooltipOptions Set of options for the tooltip component.

Note: Whenever a consumer overrides the tooltip slot in the chart and renders tooltip by themselves - then they have to intimate us when the tooltip is hovered in/out. This has to be done only when the consumer has enabled the pointer events in the tooltip.

This is necessary so that the lume chart is aware when the user has moved inside the tooltip and when was it exited.

tooltip slot exposes the props - handleMouseEnter and handleMouseLeave.

handleMouseLeave to be called when the tooltip is hovered in
handleMouseLeave to be called when the tooltip is hovered out

<lume-line-chart v-bind="args">
    #tooltip="{ opened, data, hoveredIndex, targetElement, handleMouseEnter, handleMouseLeave }"
      :options="{ withPointerEvents: true }"


Name Type Description
data Data The chart data.
labels Array<string \| number> The chart labels.
hoveredIndex number Index of the data point being hovered.



Fired upon clicking a chart axis.

p: {
  index: number | null; // Index of the axis tick that was clicked.
  value?: number | string; // Value of the tick label that was clicked.
  event?: PointerEvent; // Native `click` event data.


Fired upon a chart axis tick mouseenter.

p: {
  index: number | null; // Index of the axis tick that was moused over.
  value?: number | string; // Value of the tick label that was moused over.
  event?: MouseEvent; // Native `mouseenter` event data.


Fired upon a chart axis tick mouseleave.




Fired upon clicking a bar in a Bar chart.

p: {
  index: number; // Index of the bar that was clicked.
  datasetIndex: number; // Index of the dataset of which the bar that was clicked belongs.
  event: PointerEvent; // Native `click` event data.


Fired upon clicking the chart.

p: PointerEvent; // Native `click` event data.


Fired upon a chart mouseenter.

p: PointerEvent; // Native `mouseenter` event data.


Fired upon a chart mouseleave.




Fired upon a chart receiving new data.

p: {
  newValue: Data; // The new chart data.
  oldValue: Data | null; // The previous chart data.


Fired upon a chart receiving new labels.

p: {
  newValue: Array<string>; // The new chart labels.
  oldValue: Array<string> | null; // The previous chart labels.


Fired upon a chart legend item click.

p: {
  index: number; // Index of the clicked item dataset.
  dataset: InternalDataset<DatasetValueObject>; // The dataset of the item clicked.
  event: PointerEvent; // Native `click` event data.


Fired upon a chart legend item mouseenter.

p: {
  index: number; // Index of the clicked item dataset.
  dataset: InternalDataset<DatasetValueObject>; // The dataset of the item clicked.
  event: MouseEvent; // Native `mouseenter` event data.


Fired upon a chart legend group mouseleave.




Fired upon clicking a line in a Line chart.

p: {
  index: number; // Index of the line that was clicked.
  datasetIndex: number; // Index of the dataset of which the line that was clicked belongs.
  event: PointerEvent; // Native `click` event data.


Fired upon clicking a point in a Line chart.

p: {
  index: number; // Index of the point that was clicked.
  datasetIndex: number; // Index of the dataset of which the point that was clicked belongs.
  event: PointerEvent; // Native `click` event data.


Fired upon chart initial render.




Fired when the chart container receives new dimensions.

p: {
  width: number;        // The SVG container's width.
  height: number;       // The SVG container's height.
  outerWidth?: number;  // The chart element's width.
  outerHeight?: number; // The chart element's height.
} // ContainerSize


Fired upon a chart tooltip's initial render.

p: {
  index: number; // Index of the data the tooltip is attached to.
  targetElement: Element; // The tooltip's `targetElement` prop value.


Fired upon a chart tooltip;s targetElement change.

p: {
  index: number; // Index of the data the tooltip is attached to.
  targetElement: Element; // The tooltip's new `targetElement` prop value.


Fired upon a chart tooltip's unmount.




Fired upon clicking a node in an Alluvial diagram.

p: {
  node: SankeyNode<SankeyNodeProps, SankeyLinkProps>; // The clicked node.
  event: PointerEvent; // Native `click` event data.


Fired upon an Alluvial diagram node mouseenter.

p: {
  node: SankeyNode<SankeyNodeProps, SankeyLinkProps>; // The node moused over.
  event: MouseEvent; // Native `mouseenter` event data.


Fired upon an Alluvial diagram node mouseleave.

p: {
  node: SankeyNode<SankeyNodeProps, SankeyLinkProps>; // The node previously hovered.
  event: MouseEvent; // Native `mouseleave` event data.


Fired upon clicking a link in an Alluvial diagram.

p: {
  link: SankeyLink<SankeyNodeProps, SankeyLinkProps>; // The clicked link.
  event: PointerEvent; // Native `click` event data.


Fired upon an Alluvial diagram link mouseenter.

p: {
  link: SankeyLink<SankeyNodeProps, SankeyLinkProps>; // The link moused over.
  event: MouseEvent; // Native `mouseenter` event data.


Fired upon an Alluvial diagram link mouseleave.

p: {
  link: SankeyLink<SankeyNodeProps, SankeyLinkProps>; // The link previously hovered.
  event: MouseEvent; // Native `mouseleave` event data.


Fired whenever the hovered index changes. This occurs when the cursor is moved between the groups or as the user moves the cursor over the ticks on the line of chart axis.

p: {
  oldIndex: number; // The index of the previously hovered.
  newIndex: number; // The index of the currently hovered.


Custom data group

  <lume-chart v-bind="$props">
    <template #groups="props">
      <my-custom-data-group v-bind="props" />

Custom tooltip element

  <lume-chart v-bind="$props">
    <template #groups="props">
      <lume-bar-group v-bind="props" />
    <template #tooltip>
      <my-custom-tooltip />