
Draws a line based on a provided SVG path definition. The component also provides properties to customize the line drawn.



import { LumeLine } from '@adyen/lume';

Basic use

To show a line, provide a pathDefinition property.

<lume-line :path-definition="pathDefinition" />



Name Type Default Description
pathDefinition Computed<string> Required A string representing a path that can be fed into the d attribute of an SVG pathelement.
width number 2 Indicating the stroke width of the line.
color string '01' Indicating what color to use, representing an index to one of the available Lume colors.
dashed boolean false Indicating whether or not this line should be displayed as dashed or solid.
transition boolean true Indicating whether or not this line should animate.
animationDelay number 0 A value in seconds for the transition delay. Useful when animating a line composed of many paths.
animationDuration number 0.2 A value in seconds for the transition duration.

NOTE: A composable useLineValues exists to convert indices and values along with their scales to path definitions. For an example of how to use this, see LumeLineGroup.



Fired upon line path click.

p: PointerEvent;